mom + dad + cake, 1979
mom, stone fox, 70's

<-------- Ginny, 1981

Feb 1985, 6 months before I
was born, my big sisters
<------------------- Megan, 1982
here I am and I am going to get you, at 9 mos old!
Swimming with dad on Mother's day 1986 at Disneyland hotel pool
Megan's birthday cake,
5 years old, 1987

Our dinner grace until we were too cool to use it! open shut them, every night at every dinner!
When I was one year old the doctor heard my heart beating irregularly, I was taken in for a intense round of tests at Children's Hospital LA. My parents were told to expect the worst, but it turned out to be a mild heart murmur. This is the guide the doctors gave my parents to explain the problem. 1986
My first field trip with Mrs Olga, to the LA ZOO 1988
Family trip to Yosemite, 1988
Grandpa and I, also on this day: solar eclipse and Wrestlemania 3 with Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant!
Cageus the Dog, a wire hair terrier, who used to tear the diapers off my sister. One year a one eye chicken found it's way into our backyard, just after we called it our pet mean old Cageus ate her...
Beach babes... my mom used to try as hard as she could to get us matching outfits. Megan in hot pink, I am in hot orange, dad is in hot shorts. Summer 1989
This Halloween costume consisted of my ballet
outfit with a pair of socks safety pinned to my bum + bunny ears. Oct 31 1988
Mom and Grandma, shortly after this photo was taken grandma had a botched hip surgery and was unable to walk.
The 90's were not kind to the Ortega's. My mom insisted on this haircut and everywhere I went people used to call me a boy. Check out the brown lip smackers my sisters are wearing. This was during the time my mom first started working for the government, she was training in virgina for 6 mos and we were able to get out of school for a week and visit her. Spring 1995
Camp Joe Sherman
girl scout camp, was a very expensive/ awesome camp. My mom scrimped and saved so that I could attend. At the time it was the longest I had ever been away from home (15 days)
Summer 1997
Every school photo taken from Repetto School, K-8th grade. 1990-1999 Note: I loved my glasses in 8th grade, during the end of the year good guy trip to Magic Mtn they fell off on the Gold Rush roller coaster. May 1999
Little sister smash!
Easter fashion show at Grandma's house.

Spring 1991
Ginny leaving for college, Union Station, Aug 1999
Homecoming Senior year Highschool, thank god it was finally over. Winter 2003
Ginny made me this shirt for my high school graduation I still own it.
June 2003
This is what I did with my spare time during undergrad.
During undergrad I worked as a credit manager for this woman. She gave me long lunches so I could read Harry Potter so she would have someone to talk to about the books. For some strange reason I still refer to her as "my boss".
ABC STORES, June 2003
Weird Amsterdam club, when we arrived Steve Aoki started spinning. BOO... we went to another continent to hear a lame LA producer? lucky for us there were other rooms.
July 2007
DAFT PUNK Germany 2007
The spoils after a very very hard fashion week.
Sept 2007- March 2008
Sarah and I in NYC
business ladies.
Sept 2011
Good Kristina
June 85-July 11
the first time I ever used a firework July 2010
Evil Kristina
July 11-today